A virtual On-Line Meeting held at 14.00 CET on Saturday 11th December 2021
Note:- This meeting was attended by 34 members.
1 ) Chairman’s Welcome
Before the chairman’s welcome, Claude Bergeret , SCI Secretary, started the meeting.
She welcomed everybody being very happy to see all the participants, 30 at the moment of the start of the meeting.
She informed the meeting of the necessary technical information and advice to run a smooth meeting, and especially asked for permission to record the meeting for the unique purpose of helping production of minutes.
She thanked Alen Ivancin for the preparation of the meeting and Pierre Kass their technical knowledge and their help and involvement in this meeting.
She presented apologies from Ebby Schöler who could not attend a virtual meeting due to his ongoing hearing problems
She then gave the floor to Harvey Webb, SCI Deputy President, who will conduct the meeting on behalf of the President.
Harvey welcomed all the participants, saying that it was very good to see so many faces.
He informed the meeting that Pierre and Claude would co-host the meeting from a technical point of view and would therefore not be voting on any issue.
He took the opportunity to thank Ian Marshall for the tremendous work he does when producing the SCI magazine which is very good and much appreciated product.
2) Approval of Minutes of previous AGM (Budapest, included in SCI Magazine 107)
Harvey said that it is the 1st vote to be done.
Claude asked if there is any question of the participants.
Pierre gave some explanations how to proceed for the vote
Result: the minutes of the previous AGM Budapest 2019 were adopted unanimously
Votes cast: 27
Yes: 27
3) President’s Report
Harvey read the report sent by Ebby (reproduced here) and added that it was a real privilege to work together with him during the past years.
Because of the restrictions due to the COVID 19 crisis, our Executive Committee had less attendance meetings than usual after the AGM in Budapest 2019, the last one actually was held in October 2020.
Afterwards, contacts were mainly kept by email and telephone but a few months ago it was decided to have Skype meetings via Internet which then were successfully organised.
Originally, I intended to stop as SCI President latest two years after the last elections in Budapest – this would have meant April 2021.
As I was the only SCI official recognized by our Swiss Bank Credit Suisse – after our former Treasurer Werner Schnyder had passed away – it seemed to be necessary to carry on as President until the next elections, when the essential decisions could be made by the assembly.
The EC agreed, including our Deputy Harvey Webb who chaired the EC Skype meetings I did not attend because of my hearing problems.
My sincere thanks go to our EC members, especially to Harvey who made it possible for me to stay on as President and assist in some matters by email and telephone. I also thank Ian Marshall for his tremendous work for our Website and the News – and of course Gloria Wagener who professionally keeps control of our membership data.
Among others, several items can be remembered:
- ITTF took over the World Veteran Championships. The next WVC event hopefully will be staged 2023 in Oman.
- The EC is developing a plan for new SCI Awards.
- The Treasurer informed the EC regularly regarding the SCI finances.
- Propositions for alterations of the SCI Constitution were drafted, to be decided upon by you during this Skype meeting.
I am very sorry not be with you today – but hope to see you again some time at tournaments when normality has come back.
Enjoy the first ever Skype AGM!
Ebby Schöler
The meeting accepted and approved the presidents Report
Votes cast: 25
Yes: 25
4) Treasurer’s report (2019/2020)
Richard informed that this report was sent by email before the meeting.
He added that he must pay tribute to the work of his predecessor Werner Schnyder who suddenly passed away in September 2020.
He read his report given more details alongside.
The financial statements with incomes and expenditures have been circulated but have not yet been audited.
All the documents will be sent to the auditors in January 2022 for checking and approval.
It is hoped to have the auditors’ report 2019/2020 together with audited account for 2021 at the 2022 SCI AGM.
Question From Michael Theiss:
In the future, the SCI will not have any income from the WVC. How will the SCI get money?
Richard explained that the agreement between ITTF and SCI concerning the WVC foresees an income for the SCI of 25 000 euros per event. Plus, the SCI will not have any cost related to the WVC. We are well aware of financial situation and will monitor it closely in the future.
Vote of the Treasurer’s report:
Votes cast: 26
YES: 26
The Treasurer’s report is APPROVED
5 Auditor’s Report
Harvey confirmed that we will not have any auditor’s report to vote on, this time.
They will be presented at the next AGM meeting.
6 Adoption of the Budget (January 21/ December 22)
Richard presented a deficit budget of 33 724 Swiss Francs.
But we should receive from the ITTF an advance of the 10% entry fees of OMAN, next WVC which should be organised beginning of 2023.
A full financial report will be presented next year.
Vote of the budget
Votes cast: 30
Yes: 29
No: 1
The budget is ADOPTED
7) Appointment of Auditors
Harvey informed that we did not have any auditors this year but we have some volunteers from England to propose. It will be more accessible for Richard.
The EC recommends the nomination of Mrs Karen TONGE MBE (Eng) and Mr Stuart SHERLOCK (Eng) as auditors for the period 2021/2022, and they were duly accepted.
Votes cast:29
YES: 29
8 Proposition for Alterations to the Constitution
Harvey proposed to vote all the propositions “en bloc” but before doing so he asked he asked if there were any questions.
Michael Theiss suggested we cancel the terms “even years” and “ odd years” at the article 5 i) explaining that if the ITTF will change the years of the championships we will be obliged also to change in our constitution. It would be better NOT too precise.
It was agreed to withdraw these words in the proposal.
Vote: Do you agree to vote all the 15 proposals in bloc?
Votes cast: 32
YES: 28 (88%)
NO: 4 (13%)
Gloria Wagener asked the purpose of the proposal of three extra members in the EC… What will they do?
Claude answered that we are discussing about two extra members, not three.
The aim is to open more the EC to other associations, and especially to open more to other continents, even if it is right now not yet the case… It must be an aim for the future..
The objectives are to give them special tasks (promotion, finding resources, increasing memberships etc… There is a lot to do…
Gloria said that she would agree if she could be assured that the extra people would do some work.
Michael Theiss added that it is important to know the duties of these members
Claude answered that the EC should decide about the priorities of what must be done and then to distribute the duties among the EC members, including the President.
Reto added that this is the same process in the ITTF. The candidates are elected without knowing the tasks they will have to conduct.
Reto also reminded the assembly that the next vote concerning the constitution changes need ¾ of the votes cast.
Vote: Do you approve the propositions 1 to 15 Alterations to the constitution?
Votes cast: 31
YES: 28 (90%)
NO: 3 (10%)
9 Release of the previous EC
Harvey explained that it is a formality but it has to be voted.
Votes cast: 31
YES: 28 (90%)
NO: 3 (10%)
Before the elections of the EC Harvey passed the lead of the meeting to Claude as although being a candidate she is on-voting.
10 Elections for the next two years
Claude presented the candidates
President: Claude BERGERET (France)
Deputy President: Reto BAZZI (Switzerland)
Treasurer: Richard SCRUTON (England)
Secretary: Harvey WEBB (England)
Members: Lilamani De Soysa (Switzerland)
Oivind ERIKSEN ( Norway)
Milan ORLOWSKI (Czech Republic)
Votes cast: 31
YES: 25 (81%)
NO: 6 (19%)
Next vote: Do you agree to elect the 7 candidates as SCI EC members?
Vote casts : 31
YES:30 (97%)
NO: 1 (3%)
Claude, elected new President thanks the assembly for their trust, on behalf of all the candidates.
11 Any Other Business
11.1 Recognition of the work of the WVC committee
Harvey explained that the WVC Committee no longer existed as the ITTF have taken over the World Veterans Championships.
The EC wanted to officially recognize the work done by the WVC over the last few years.
And it would like to express our recognition to the people who have worked so hard for the WVC.
Hans, Reto, Ina, Torben and Michael.
The EC has purchased some crystal awards to be given to them.
We have planned to present these awards in RIMINI in Summer on the occasion of the EVC.
11.2 Personal Honorary Life Member
Harvey continued by telling that the EC has also decided to honour Hans because he always had been involved in this committee since the start.
It is proposed to make him Personal Honorary Life Member of the SCI
And this has to be voted
Votes cast: 29
YES 29
Michael THEISS congratulated Hans and added that it was a real pleasure to work with him during all these years. He thanked the EC for its invitation to Rimini but he remind us not to forget his brother Christophe who also did a great job together with them.
Harvey took note of this valuable remark and continued about the case of Ebby
As he is retired from the position’s President he should become Personal Honorary Life President
This has also to be voted.
Votes cast: 31
YES: 31
11.3: Miran KONDRIC asked for the floor
He congratulated the new elected EC members and wished them all the best in leading this organisation in these turbulent times.
And he payed tribute to Ian Marshall and his excellent work for the quality of the SCI Magazine
He asked for more support from the EC to Ian’s work
He asked for enlarging the magazine with some scientific data bases, and also for the website.
The ITTF scientific committee could approach Ian and give him some material to spread information about the health and other scientific items which could attract the readers.
Suggestion well noted by Claude.
11.4 Hans took the opportunity to thank the EC for making him Personal Honorary Life Member and also all the people who worked with me since 1984, particularly, Michael, Christophe and Torben.
He pointed out that they would never have achieved the quality of the WV Championships without their tremendous work.
11.5 Hans Westing then he raised one question.
What does the EC intend to do concerning the members who do not pay their fees?
Claude answered that it is quite clear for her. If someone does not pay his fee, he ceases to be a member.
11.6 Then Claude came to the conclusion of the meeting.
First she thanked again the assembly for having trusted her and her colleagues to lead the club for the 2 forthcoming years.
She continued by telling that they will try to do everything possible to grow and develop, gathering more members and visibility.
For example, to try to organise friendly gathering , to meet the ITTF , to discuss with the New President Petra Sorling, to improve our collaboration in a Memorandum of Understanding.
She added that they will try to work closely with the ITTF and the ITTF foundation, we will also keep the system of invited SCI guests at the WVC, EVC , WC and EC.
To help members in need will also be a target..
Then she insisted on the fact that everybody is needed in the action, all the members and especially the national representatives of our national branches. There is so much to do…
She took the opportunity to warmly thank Ebby, for all the work he did for the SCI in the past years but also for asking her to join the SCI EC in 2019.
She also warmly thanked Pierre KASS the technician of the meeting. Without him and his kindness and devotion nothing would have been possible.
Finally she wished to meet everybody in person very soon.
End of the meeting 16h00
Claude Bergeret
SCI Secretary
25th March 2022