Ma Long, Olympic Games and World Champion, named on Men’s World Cup entry list (Photo: World Table Tennis)
Venue for both the 2020 Men’s World Cup and Women’s World Cup tournaments will be the recently opened state-of-the-art Weihai Nanhai Olympic Centre, the home for the current 2020 Chinese National Championships.
The Women’s World Cup will be staged from Sunday 8th to Tuesday 10th November, the Men’s World Cup from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th November, each tournament comprises 21 players.
Meanwhile, also in China, Zhengzhou in Henan province, will host the 2020 ITTF Finals from Thursday 19th to Sunday 22nd November; a 16,000 seater stadium, the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Centre was the home for the highly successful Agricultural Bank of China 2019 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals.
Entries: Women’s World Cup
Chen Meng (China), Cheng I-Ching (Chinese Taipei), Adriana Diaz (Puerto Rico), Doo Hoi Kem (Hong Kong), Britt Eerland (Netherlands), Feng Tianwei (Singapore), Han Ying (Germany), Kasumi Ishikawa (Japan), Mima Ito (Japan), Jeon Jihee (Korea Republic), Dina Meshref (Egypt), Margaryta Pesotska (Ukraine), Sofia Polcanova (Austria), Suthasini Sawettabut (Thailand), Petrissa Solja (Germany), Suh Hyowon (Korea Republic), Bernadette Szocs (Romania), Wu Yue (United States), Lily Zhang (United States), Zhang Mo (Canada), Zhu Yuling (China).
Enries: Men’s World Cup
Quadri Aruna (Nigeria), Hugo Calderano (Brazil), Chuang Chih-Yuan (Chinese Taipei), Mattias Falck (Sweden), Fan Zhendong (China), Robert Gardos (Austria), Tomokazu Harimoto (Japan), Heming Hu (Australia), Jang Woojin (Korea Republic), Jeoung Youngsik (Korea Republic), Kanak Jha (United States), Darko Jorgic (Slovenia), Lin Yun-Ju (Chinese Taipei), Ma Long (China), Koki Niwa (Japan), Dimitrij Ovtcharov (Germany), Liam Pitchford (England), Tomislav Pucar (Croatia), Ahmed Saleh (Egypt), Gustavo Tsuboi (Brazil), Wong Chun Ting (Hong Kong).